Tag: FOODSeries

Day 13 of F.O.O.D. – CHOCOLATES to remind us of Kindness!!

Day 13 of my Advent Calendar is all about kindness and so what better acronym than CHOCOLATES! Kindness has such amazing benefits for the giver as well as the receiver and is a free resource!  I started thinking of some of the random acts of kindness we could do and have listed them below. Pay…
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Day 12 of F.O.O.D. – Using PEPPER to spice up your online interviews

It’s day 12 of my F.O.O.D. Advent Calendar and today I’d like you to use PEPPER to add flavour to your online interviews. Preparation is crucial both for yourself and your subject.  Little things such as what you’re going to wear.  Knowing about the organisation and what it is about them that really lights your…
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Day 11 of F.O.O.D. – Using my FISHBAKE to manage your wellbeing

It’s day 11 of my Advent Calendar and today I’m going to share my FISHBAKE with you to help you manage your wellbeing, because this year it’s been well and truly tested and there are some key coping mechanisms that have risen to the surface for me. It’s essential that we do something that’s fun…
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Day 10 of F.O.O.D. – Using WILD RICE to focus on your delegation skills

It’s day 10 of my FOOD (Fixing the Out of Office Dilemma) Advent Calendar and I’m using WILDRICE to help you delegate better.  It’s so easy to think I’ll do it myself as it will be quicker, better etc.  But then we can’t do everything without eventually feeling stressed out!  Here are some great ingredients…
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Day 9 of F.O.O.D. – Using RECIPE to help manage those sensitive discussions

It’s day 9 of my F.O.O.D. Advent Calendar and I’m sharing my RECIPE to help you manage those sensitive discussions. It’s good to use with the TEAPOT technique from yesterday! We are very good at having avoidance tactics in place when it’s time to have a sensitive discussion.  One way I find helps is by…
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